World Geography - 9th Grade Assignments

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Country Project
Welcome back from the holiday break! I hope that all of you had a wonderful time and are ready to get back to the business of learning. This semester we will be starting World Geography, which we will begin looking at the continents of Africa, Asia, and Australia, as well as the World Religions. To begin this semester, we will first be determining which country we will be working on for our country project. This is a large project in which you are expected to go in detail about a specific country you have chosen, which will be presented and celebrated the week after Spring Break.

This may seem like a lot of time, but the information being asked for is quite significant, and periodic checks will take place over the next couple of months to ensure that you are keeping pace. These checks will be based on completion, with 10 points being provided for completing the section, 5 points for only partial completing, and 0 points for no completion of the section - some sections are bigger than others depending on the country, and extra effort will need to be made. Below are the dates which you can expect the checks to occur, and which section they will be covering. We will not be spending a lot of class time on these projects, and it should be expected that you will be doing this for homework.I have also attached a rubric that will be used to score your project. This is a large part of your grade this semester and should be taken seriously.

Completion Check Dates
Location - January 26th, 2018 (10 pts) (2 Weeks)
Human / Environment Interaction - February 9th, 2018 (10 pts) (2 Weeks)
Place - February 23rd, 2018 (10 pts) (2 Weeks)
Movement - March 9th, 2018 (10 pts) (2 Weeks)
Region - March 30th, 2018 (10 pts) (2 Weeks)
Free Choice - April 13th, 2018 (10 pts) (2 weeks)
Project Presentation - April 31st / May 1st, 2018 (Final Due)



Sojourner Essay
As we have done for over 40 years, Fort Leavenworth, Chapter No 154, National Sojourners, is sponsoring its annual patriotic essay contest at Patton Junior High School. The first, second, and third place winners will receive a price, along with honorable mentions.

The essay titles for each of the grades are-
7th grade, “I can be a good citizen by----.”
8th grade, "Who is a great patriot and why?"
9th grade, “Why I am proud to be an American-----.”

The international students in the 9th grade will receive reorganization for writing a paper titled,
“Why I am proud to be an (insert country).” This allows international students the opportunity
to write an essay about their country.

The papers should be identified by a student number in the upper right corner on the first page. Recommend FL-7 for the 7th grade, FL-8 for the 8th grade, and FL-9 for the 9th grade. No names on the paper please.


Richard H Wright
CF: Secretary, Chapter 154, SOJOURNERS



Dream Vacation
You are now 18 years old! Because of your academic prowess, you have graduated from High School earlier than the other students. This means that the second semester of your senior year is free to take a dream vacation. This vacation should last approximately 1-2 weeks. You can go anywhere in the World, but you must leave the United States. This trip can all take place in one location, or be divided amongst many different locations. You're leaving between the months of January and May from Kansas City Kansas International Airport. You may travel by air, train, bus, automobile, motorhome, or motorcycle during this trip. If you choose to use Air, Train, or Bus – rates can be found on the Internet. Automobile and motorcycle should be calculated at 32 cents a mile ($1.30 a mile for motorhomes). The route must be mapped and mileage calculated properly (google maps).

You will need to have sleeping accommodations at a hotel for each day of the trip except the day you return home. You must also figure in eating three meals a day. Costs of each meal will be determined by the location which you eat.

Summary of Instructions
1) Select Transportation - Air, Bus, Car, Motorcycle, Motorhome, Train
2) Sleeping Accommodations – Hotel
3) Find Activities – Keep in mind costs.
4) Places to Eat – If location only has things for more than the max amount of money, you probably shouldn’t eat there. If costs are not included in the online menu's, assume the below costs.

- Breakfast - $5.00
- Lunch - $8.00
- Dinner $20.00

5) Map Travel Routes (Calculate Mileage / Select Airline Reservations)
6) 1-2 Week Vacation (Total Budget for trip: $7,000.00)

1) Create detailed trip itinerary - Includes Daily Activities / Plans. (Look at example provided)
2) Create google spreadsheet that details Budget spending / costs. (Use excel sheet provided)
3) Create detailed map of travel that includes all aspects of transportation.
4) Combine all information into Google Presentation that will be shown to the class (Turn in ALL work)