Civics - 9th Grade Assignments

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Dear Parents / Students,
    As Civics has come to a close, please make sure to begin subscribing to the World Geography class this month to continue to receive weeks at a glance and assignments updates through this website.
Mr. Phillips



Read either individually or as a class and complete the attached worksheet. Once completed, go to Civics and play the game "Lawcraft" to gain a more in-depth understanding of the difficulty required in making / passing a law.



Nonviolent Protests
Three constitutional amendments extending rights to African Americans—on paper at least—were ratified during Reconstruction. They ended slavery, made African Americans citizens and extended voting rights to former slaves and their descendants. Despite this, African Americans, particularly in the South, were often denied these rights. They endured segregation, were often prevented from voting, and faced intimidation, threats and violence, all of which made it difficult—often impossible— to live freely.

Civil rights activists in the 1950s and 1960s chose nonviolence as a way to secure and exercise legal rights for African Americans. Inspired by the successes of Mohandas Gandhi in the Indian independence movement, civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr came to believe that a nonviolent approach was the best way to address African-American inequality.

To do this, the class will look at two primary source documents. Split into three groups at random, and read over the assignment documents with your group. Target these questions as you are reading this documents. What is the purpose of this document? What, if anything, surprises you about this document? Why? The first document is attached, the other two are links below. (1st hour do two separate groups)

After completion of these readings, reshuffle your groups and begin to use this newly gained information to see how the Civil Rights movement implemented these plans of action. With your group, choose one of the following events from the civil rights movement:

1. Montgomery Bus Boycott
2. Integration of Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock
3. Lunch-counter sit-ins
4. Voter registration drives
5. Birmingham Children’s March
6. 1963 March on Washington

After you have read about the event, copy the “Six Principles of Nonviolence” onto a piece of paper With the members of your group, see how—or if—each principle was part of the action you have read about. Present your findings to the class, with each group ending its presentation by assessing how much or how little the event demonstrated the six principles.



March on Washington (Students without permission slips)
Most students are familiar with Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, considered a defining moment in the Civil Rights Movement. However, few students understand the sheer magnitude of the task and the courage that it took to plan and carry out the March on Washington on August 28, 1963. The demonstration was so powerful that it is said to be responsible for ushering in a wave of legislation that outlawed acts of discrimination and changed an entire nation for generations to come.



Discussion Post - Located on Google Classroom 
Topic - Civil Rights Movement
- Post your initial response to the discussion board by the due date (5 Pts)
1) Minimum of three sentences that are clearly articulated - be thoughtful in your responses. (2 Pts)
2) Sentences should be complete with proper punctuation and grammar. (2 Pts)
3) Respond to a minimum of two classmates posts using the above criteria. (1 Pt)

Extra Credit (1pt): Respond to classmates that have posted under your initial post or comments using the above criteria.

You're welcome to post with text, audio, or video; text may be a maximum of two paragraphs and please limit audio and video to four minutes.

Possible Sources:

**WARNING** Failure to complete this assignment by the due date will result in a reduction of two possible points each day until no credit will be given. Even if you will no longer be able to receive points, you will still be held accountable for the completion of this assignment.



Video Notes for Selma Movie



Use the below link to help study for the quiz tomorrow. The link will take you to a screen that asks you to place the code for practice in. Once completed, the quiz will go over the correct answers with you. If you would like to take the quiz multiple times, just use a different name to do so (school appropriate.) 
Code for Practice - 183354



Use the information that you have gained through the class activities over the past two days, and identify a current event story that deals with the constitutional protections. As a group, decide who gets what right. Use the attached document to guide your reading.



Students were introduced to the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments) of the United States. They are provided with a graphic organizer in which to take notes, the expectation was to finish this graphic organizer over the weekend.