Spanish 2 (Period 4th Hour) Assignments

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Study Guide for Diego y Sus Amigos Quiz

I am attaching the Study Guide for our final quiz of 3rd quarter. It is over the SW video: Diego y Sus Amigos.


SW Nuggets 1-8

Complete Nuggets 1-8 on SW Video: ¡Es una Ganga! (It's a bargain!)
Various worksheets will be assigned between January 25th and February 5th to enhance your grasp if this vocabulary.


Feo Video +

SW Video: Feo
Worksheets due as follows:
12/1 : p. 5-6
12/2: p. 7-8
12/3: p. 9
12/4: p. 10
12/7: p. 11-12
12/8: p. 13-14
Nuggets due 12/8
Country Project is due by 12/4!!!


SW Nuggets 1-6 LCDV

Complete Nuggets 1-6 on SW Video: La Confesión de Víctor by 3:00 PM November 24th.


Guapo Worksheet Schedule

Google Classroom has your Kami Worksheets.
Nov. 9: P. 5 & 7 
Nov. 10: P. 9-10
Nov. 11: P. 11-12
Nov. 12: P. 13-14
Nov. 13: P. 15
Nov. 16: P. 18-19


SW Video: Guapo: Nuggets 1-8

Complete Nuggets 1-8 on the video Guapo by November 13th.
Worksheets will be assigned in Google Classroom.
Lyrics are posted under Vocabulary Lists & Lyrics in GC.
Embedded Reading for Guapo is posted under Embedded Readings in GC.


Speaking Test: tens and hundreds

I am attaching a video to review the enunciation of these numbers along with the following guide using English phonetical spellings.
You will be tested 10-100 and 100-1,000.
10 diez (dee-ace)
20 veinte (vain-tay)
30 treinta (train-tuh)
40 cuarenta (kwah-rent-tuh)
50 cincuenta (sing-kwhen-tuh)
60 sesenta (say-sent-tuh)
70 setenta (say-tent-tuh)
80 ochenta (oh-chin-tuh)
90 noventa (no-vent-tuh)
100 cien (see-in)
200 doscientos (dose-see-in-tose)
300 trescientos (trace-see-in-tose)
400 cuatrocientos (kwah-troh-see-in-tose)
500 quinientos (key-knee-in-tose)
600 seiscientos (say-see-in-tose)
700 setecientos (say-tay-see-in-tose)
800 ochocientos (oh-cho-see-in-tose)
900 novecientos (no-vay-see-in-tose)
1,000 mil (mill)


Quizzes Week of November 2nd

1. There are two Speaking Quizzes on Tuesday, November 3rd.
    10 - 100 by tens
    100 - 1,000 by hundreds
2. Vocabulary Quiz over SW: Billy y las Botas 3 is on Wednesday, November 4th.
Study Guides and Kahoot Reviews are posted in Google Classroom.
Look under Kahoot Reviews Section for reviews over the vocabulary and the numbers.
Look under Vocabulary Lists and Lyrics for the Study Guide (BYLB3).
There are also video reviews for the numbers under Video Reviews Section of GC.
Señor Wooly: Billy y las Botas 3: Rewatch the video with the English/Spanish Subtitles on.


This week's agenda

This week's agenda is attached.


Week of October 19 - 23, 2020

I have attached this week's agenda for Spanish 2. This is our final week of 1st quarter.
All Missing Work is due October 19th.
Speaking Quizzes over 0-31 and alphabet are Monday through Wednesday. 
0= cero; 31=treinta y uno
SW: BYLB 3 Nuggets 1-8 are due on 10/21.


October 13 -16, 2020

Here is an overview of October 13 -16.


October 5 -9

Spanish 1: Complete Nuggets 1 - 5 by 10/9 on SW: Billy y las Botas 2. (Spanish 2 does Nuggets 1 -7.)
This unit has accompanying worksheets that are assigned in Google Classroom.
Speaking Tests over days, months, seasons.
Written quiz over ¿Puedo ir al baño? 
Remember that your Country Project is due on Oct. 16th. (Parts 1 & 2: Culture and Human GeographyP
This week's agenda is attached below.


Week #4: 9/28-10/2

I have attached this week's overview.


Here is a fun way to practice your Countries and Capitals.



Students have an assignment in Señor Wooly.
Complete assigned nuggets by 9/16/2020.
More information is posted in Google Classroom.
The quiz over Countries and Capitals of the Spanish-speaking world will be given within the next couple of weeks.
A study guide has been provided in Google Classroom. I have also attached a copy here.