Patton Football

Have a physical on file in the Patton Office or bring it to the first practice. The physical must be filled out on the KSHSAA Physical Form. Don't forget to complete the back and sign it. NO ATHLETE MAY PARTICIPATE WITHOUT A PHYSICAL TURNED IN.
- Player and Parent/Guardian: Read and Sign the “Concussion/Head Injury Policy” attached and online.
- Player and Parent/Guardian: Read and Sign the "Football Rules and
Responsibilities" attached and online. - Player and Parent/Guardian: Read and Sign the "Chemical Use
Policy" attached and online. - Player and Parent/Guardian: Fill out and Sign the "Emergency
Information Form" attached and online.
- All players are expected to behave in a manner that reflects positively on Patton Junior High. Any behavior that reflects negatively on the school, students, team, coaches, or a player will jeopardize that person's status on the team. Athletes not conducting themselves in a manner that best represents Patton Junior High may not participate at the discretion of the head coach.
- Players must have all paperwork on file to participate. This includes:
- A completed physical form signed by a doctor and parent on file in the school office prior to the start of practice;
- A signed and completed Emergency Medical Information Form;
- A signed Concussion Release Form
- A signed and completed Team Rules/Chemical Substance Policy form (found on the reverse side of the Emergency Medical Release form).
Players may not participate in practice until the physical is on file and the Concussion Release Form is signed, according to Kansas High School Athletic Association rules.
- Report all injuries to the coach.
- All athletes are covered by insurance, if a military dependent.
- Out of town the head coach will evaluate injuries and, if necessary, medical care will be obtained at the nearest hospital. Parents will absorb any cost for this care including ambulance costs.. When possible the injured athlete will be transported back to Patton Jr. High.
- Medical personnel will check any injury that involves upper torso, including the head, before being moving the athlete.
- The head coach will determine whether a doctor will be called to check injuries involving limbs.
- Players are required by KSHSAA to pass at least five full hour classes the previous semester and meet the school eligibility requirements in order to remain eligible for the season. Patton excepts all students to pass all classes at all times.
- Players will attend every scheduled practice. If a player must miss a practice, they must notify the coach personally IN ADVANCE of the absence. Practices missed for illness or family related matters are excused WITH A NOTE FROM THE PARENT. This insures a player's status on the team, but DOES NOT GUARANTEE RETAINING A STARTING POSITION. All other absences are unexcused. TWO Unexcused absences CAN RESULT in permanent dismissal from the football team.
Students must attend at least ½ of their classes on game day to play in the game.
Players absent from practice the day before a game may not participate or attend that game, at the discretion of the head coach.
- Players should be prompt to practice each day. Practice begins after school each day promptly at 3:10 pm. Players are to be dressed out and ready. All tardiness will jeopardize a player's status on the team.
Staying with a teacher for extra help is encouraged. If at all possible get help during Academic Advisory, last period of the day. Athletes may seek extra help in the mornings prior to school. As a last resort staying with a teacher for extra help after school will be excused with a note from the teacher. Let the head coach know ahead of time and bring a note from the teacher when arriving at practice. Lost practice time must be made up, but will be excused.
Athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner in each of their classes and in the halls. If a detention (for misbehavior) occurs, the athlete will be punished at the discretion of the coach, including dismissal from the team for repeat offenders.
- Uniforms will be treated with respect. Uniforms are to be worn only on game day and for Patton games . All jerseys will be neatly tucked into the athlete’s pants at all times. Athletes not giving appropriate respect to the uniform and/or their behavior while wearing the uniform may lose the right to wear the jersey on game day, or lose the chance to attend the game at the discretion of the head coach.
- The school provides transportation to and from games. All athletes will ride to the game with their teammates on the bus. They are also expected to ride the bus back to Patton with their teammates after the game for post-game coaching and to build camaraderie with their teammates. In certain cases a parent is permitted to bring their student home separately by contacting the head coach IN WRITING, IN ADVANCE. IF YOU ARE TRANSPORTING AN ATHLETE OTHER THAN YOUR OWN CHILD COACHES/ATHLETIC DIRECTOR MUST HAVE WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THEIR PARENTS IN ADVANCE.
Athletes will have an estimated arrival time at Patton, and may use the phone upon their return. If you cannot attend the game please be there to receive the call to pick up your athlete.
- Athletes will give respect to the coaches, their teammates, the officials, and their opponents at all times. You may expect that your athlete will not be subjected to abusive personal attacks from their teammates, coaches, or their opponents. Players will be expected to listen attentively when a coach is talking or giving instructions. “Trash talking” is not acceptable at any time on the practice field or on game day. Absences from practice due to athletes being sent to the locker room for disciplinary reasons will be considered unexcused absences.
- Directions to all away games can be found online prior to that week’s game. Our home field is the Sports Complex located adjacent to the USD 207 district offices.
- Athletes will be expected to take care of “educational business” on game days. When the team is dismissed before they have attended each afternoon class, any and all homework due that day will be turned in before fifth hour. If this is not done, the player will not be allowed to make the trip.
- All players are expected to attend to the physical safety of themselves and their property at all times. This general category includes:
- No jewelry (earrings, chains, watches) will be worn in practice or games.
- No scarves or headbands will be worn in practice or games.
- All players will be supplied with a locker and lock. The players will be responsible for securing valuables (coats, shoes, book bags, etc.).
- Practice gear (jerseys and pants) will be washed at home once per week. Helmets and any pads are not to be taken home under any circumstances.