Mrs. Funk's Mission Statement
Read about what is going on in our library here:
8th graders are learning about our freedom to read and banned books. They added their own snowflake to the Banned Book tree, each containing the title of a banned book they have read
All of our students are updating their academic WIG (Wildly Important Goal). They currently are using DATA from their STAR Assessments that contains information on their score and projected score, to determine what score they are striving for before they take their end of the year assessment. Students took specific focus skills taken from the test and added the action steps they are going to take to reach those goals. Each student has an accountability partner to help them along. Mrs. Funk has posted her personal WIG. Her accountability partners are her students.
The 7th grade country reports are on display. If you haven't seen the great research done by our students, come down and learn about countries around the world.
Our reading numbers are spot on. At the end of November we have read a total of 162,062 pages. Our December and January numbers will be combined and we are looking for a big increase in reading.